Not feelin' good
I'm not feelin' good. Mommy says if I don't feel better by tomorrow mornin' I have to go to the V-E-T. So I'll just have to feel better. I've got too much spit! I made a drool puddle when I slept. And when I'm awake, I smack my lips some. Also I'm sleepin' alot. But I am still purrin' and followin' Mom around and floppin' on the floor for belly rubs. And I'm still playin' with Dobby too. Mom's worried about me.
Here's a picture of Dobby. He's always bein' cute and gettin' his picture taken. Mom took this one with her cell phone.

23 Meows:
Oh no Merlin!! I hope you're acting normal again soon, but sometimes the VET is the best bet to help Mom's feel better.
Dobby is just adorable!
i'm wurried abowt u. stop da droolin an smackin yer lipz, ok?
meenwile--da kid dat'z livin wid u now (dobby) iz verree kyoot!
Oh no Merlin! I hope you feel better soon. Dobby is very cute, but you are a lovely cat too.
Oh Merlin, we hope that you are feelin' all the way better very soon! Take care of yourself.
Merlin -- are you sure you weren't droolin' just because of the MC-17 story???
Seriously, I hope you're feeling better and that if you have to go to the V-E-T, it's not too traumatic.
Get some rest & feel better,
Not The Mama
Poor Merlin! I hope you feel better soon. I'm sure you'll improve a lot after you go to the vet. Maybe it is just all the additional activity of running around with Dobby!
He is a cutie for sure, but you are one good looking kitty yourself.
Let us know ASAP how you are!
So many kitties not feeling well, hope that you are okay.
Oh Merlin! We are sad to hear that you are not feeling well. We sometimes get too much drool when we eat those stinky bugs, or lick our flea-meds. But it usually just last for a short time. We hope you don't have to go to the VET, but if you are not better by tomorrow, it is better if you let you Mom take you to get checked out. And smack that lillte Dobby if he bothers you when you are not feeling well.
We hope you will feel better soon.
If it's something unusual, it's best to have it checked out, Merlin. You want to stay well and V.E.T visits are really too bad.
Merlin, get well! I'm worried now!
Tell your mom that picture looks like something from an old-time book - very nice!
Hi Merlin. I am sorry you are not feeling well. I hope you are feeling better soon. Be sure to let us know how you are doing!
Merlin, I sure hope you are feelin' better by the morning, but if you're not the vet will help you to feel better. Sounds like you feel sick to your tummy or maybe a tooth or something is hurting in your mouth. Probably best to let the v-e-t check ya out, Merlin. Make sure you let us know what the vet says if you have to go, ok! We worry about you too!
Awh, I hope you's feel better soon!
oh Meriln I we sorry to here that you not feeling well!! we worried you make sure you let us know what the vet said. and now Iris is look at the computer at dobby and purring she wants to know how is mouis playing skills beucse she quite impressed wiff the pounceing
Mu shue and little babby iris too
Don't be sick! That is no fun! Meowm keeps watching me cause she thinks maybe I am coming down with something....either that or it's my teeth!
That is a cute picture of Dobby!
Oh, we just saw that you added Dobby in the title and sidebar. Very cute. We hope merlin is feeling OK.
Dobby is furry cute, but I'm worried 'bout you Merlin. I hope yur feelin' better soon.
Feel better, Merlin? Meanwhile, Dobby looks great in his Softpaws.
I hope you feel better Merlin! I bet you're just like me, though. All the excitement of new kittens in the house and the stress made you get a little infection! I'm sure the vet will figure it out. Just watch out for the thermometers! They stick them where THEY DON'T BELONG!!!!!!!
Also I'm glad you're getting along with Dobby. He's fun to play with isn't he?
But your comment about belly rubs made me realize why us grown-up cats are better than kittens, even if the humans think THEY'RE cuter! We have more belly to rub! And that's the cutest thing of all!
We sure hope you get better without having to go to the vet. I have a drool problem when I lick Grr or Cocoa after we've had flea medicine put on us. Did you lick something gross? We hope you don't have a dental problem. We hear that's no fun at all!
Hi Dobby, you little cutie!
We's sorry yer not feeling so good. Mebbe yoo gotta bad toof needs seeing to.
Merlin I'm sorry your not feeling well.I think a visit to the vet may be best. I hope everything goes well.
Just checking in to see how you're feeling. I hope lots better. I gotta tell you, that is an awfully cute picture of Dobby (look at that face!), but you're still the handsome one Merlin.
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