

So, the kid brought some stuff with him when he came to live here with us. One of those things was this cat cup bed thingy. Now, I've never been interested in a cat bed. My mom had one for me when I was a kid, but I didn't sleep in it, so she put it away.

But he made it look so cozy. I had to check it out. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.

Go see Bubbles & Mrs. B's blog to learn more about this most wonderful bed!

28 Meows:

Anonymous meowed...

It does look cozy :)

Rascal meowed...

Amazing how things which were not previously interesting become interesting as soon as there's competition for it in the house.

Fat Eric meowed...

Ohh, that does look cosy. I have got a fleecy bed I ignore in the summer but in the winter I go back to it. Right now it is cold so I am in it a lot (it is next to the radiator).

Glad to hear that there was nothing serious wrong with you, Merlin. Hope your ulcer clears up soon.

Luna und Luzie meowed...

Nice Photos it looks so kuschelig (cosy). Your german is perfect.
Now it´s cold in germany. than I love so cosy places.

Anonymous meowed...

It was nice of Dobby to bring some nice furniture with him!

Memories of Eric and Flynn meowed...

Hmm that duz look furry comfy. One like dat wud look purrty good next to the fire. Mummmmmmmmmmmm!!!!

Anonymous meowed...

{sigh} the joys of siblings...isn't it fun?

Mattingly meowed...

That does look nice. We have a cat bed too... but we've never used it. Well that's not true... we each used it exactly once. But that's it. Maybe we just need a bed like yours!

Anonymous meowed...

iz yur momma gonna hafta get out yur unused old one fur Dobby now that ya took offur his?

Susie meowed...

Ooooh - that does look furry nice - comfy :)

Kate (Pablo's mum) meowed...

You look like a giantcat in there! It's great that you're teaching Dobby to share with you.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties meowed...

How funny. I just came from Mrs. B.'s blog for the first part of the tale. I remember that beautiful cat bed because it matched her eyes.

Who would have thought, somehow, some way, Merlin would be claiming that very same bed as his.

Pumpkin meowed...

Hmmm, maybe I shood try the cat beds in OWR howse since yu make it look so cozy. Thare are 4 beds and a fleece mat in the patio and lifing room but only Bebe and Tiger use them all. Me and Blackie don't effer go in them.

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon meowed...

Oh dobbie this is Iris.. Giggle giggle you look comnfy in your kitten bed i have one too but i prefur mu shues sun chair qany way it time for my ball want to come tell port over and play bonkie ball wiff me


Catzee meowed...

Did the Kid bring a comfy kitty ta go wif the comfy kitty bed?

Catzee meowed...

Oooohhhhhh! I get it! Dobby is the kid!!! Hee hee. I jus' been to Mrs. B's bloggie an' figgured it out.

Emma's Kat meowed...

Awwww, hehee! You look very comfy in the close quarters(for you at least, lol) of the cat cuppy! Now mommy just needs to get one big enough for both of you!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy meowed...

It seems that your Mom is gonna have to get another bed!


Furry nice...and Merlin I see yu like da noo bed too! By ax-see-dent Momma got me a new bed too. It really belonged to a 'pretend' kitty dat she ordered but I liked it so much she let me have it. She posted about it dis week on our bloggie.


Mr. Hendrix meowed...

hi! I think you may need a big man bed Merlin. That cup looks a wee bit tight for you. I never slept in my bed, but when it was accidentally turned over, I discovered it makes a great fort and now I use it all the time.
Hope our boo boo feels better!

Anonymous meowed...

A bed for someone else is always the better bed...

Mo and The Purries meowed...

Can I actually comment?
I was here twice earlier -- with no luck -- anyhoo, Merlin: you are soo gonna share with Dobby in HIS bed, arent' you?
Just like you're going to share your stroller with him, right???
Great pictures, Merlin's Mom!

~ Not The Mama

Mo and The Purries meowed...

PS: I almost forgot -- thanks for the link in your sidebar! I almost peed myself!
love, your

Lux meowed...

That's funny, Merlin! What comes into your house is yours, right? That's how it works here.

Rosie & Cheeto meowed...

HAHAHAHA, Yer abowt ten times biggur than Dobby's catbed!! HAHAHAHA

The Crew meowed...

Nice of Dobby to let you try his bed, but I must tell you, Merlin, you need a bigger bed for yourself! Us larger guys need more room!


Daphne meowed...

Hi Merlin!
You look so comfy cute in that bed! I wish I was there to snuggle with you!
Sorry I haven't been around much lately -- Not The Mama has been hoggin' the 'puter all for hisself!
Geesh, you'd think he could share once in a while!
Just wanted to let you know I'm glad you're having fun with your new baby bro, and I send you purrs and head-buts from Michigan to Memphis!

love you!

Skeezix the Cat meowed...

Whut will be even better is win the 2 of yoo kerl up in the cat bed together like me and my big bruther Mao do... ixsept, yoo mite be a littul plus-sized for that!