
Maybe One Bed is Enough

As long as Dobby doesn't grow anymore and doesn't expect to breathe freely. --Mom

17 Meows:

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone meowed...

Ha, ha that is so adorable. But I think they do need another bed.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties meowed...

This is grrreat (as KC would say). You two look so comfy snuggled together. Dobby looks like he really likes Merlin, too.

Yeah, a bigger bed might be a good idea.

Jenn L in Chicago meowed...

Awww, how sweet. They've really adapted well to each other, haven't they?

Emma's Kat meowed...

That is just too sweet! Love how Merlin is about to fall out of the bed, hehee! Ahhhh, brotherly love!

Just Ducky meowed...

Or maybe a bigger bed. Otherwise, someone might get a bit smooshed.

Anonymous meowed...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww....too cute!

Lux meowed...

Too funny! Yet, somehow, they both look comfy!

tiggerprr meowed...

LOL I love Dobby's face in the top one! I wish Carma and OC would sleep together like that. They groom eachother, which I love to watch. OMG, I'm a cat voyeur!

Kate (Pablo's mum) meowed...

Kate thinks this picture is incredibly cute. I think that Merlin is showing a huge amount of graciousness in not totally kicking Dobby out of his bed, and Dobby is showing extreme tenacity in not totally surrendering his bed to Merlin. Memo to Kate: I ain't sharing my bed with anycats!!

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon meowed...

awww dobby you so cute wiff merriln I got a bigger bed we might have to thow Lilly Lu out of it but I can bring it over


Catzee meowed...

Aw. That am sooooo cute!

Memories of Eric and Flynn meowed...

That's kyoot, but thay'll deffernuttly need a bigger bed when Dobby gets a bit bigger, cuz it's a tite fit now.

LZ meowed...

Two words for ya...Millie Bed. They are awesome and even the three of us can fit in it (if we squeeze). You can get them from Siamese Rescue and if you check out Chey's page, she posted hers today. They stretch really well to make room for big Man Cats.


Skeezix the Cat meowed...

This looks vary much like my cat cup win my big bruther Mao deesides to sleep with me in it! I so happy yoo 2 are gitting on so well together!

The M's meowed...

That is the way that Missy and I looked in a picture that Mommie tooked of us....Monte

Anonymous meowed...

we bet Dobby's so happy to have someone to cuddle with, he won't mind that he can't breathe or grow.

Anonymous meowed...

These pictures make me smile. There's no room to spare, but the two of you look so comfy together.