

So Mom took Dobby's blankie out of the cat bed so there was more room for me. See how much better I fit now?

Since my tongue has been hurting (it is getting better), I've not been doing as good as job at cleaning myself as I would normally do. But my little bro was helpin' me out with that. Mom got a video of it. She says it's kinda hard to see, because there wasn't much light, but she thought it was "too cute" not to share. So here it is.

23 Meows:

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone meowed...

Oh that is too sweet. Dobby is just sooo happy living with Merlin. The 2 Bs did not let him groom them.
Ha, ha. I'm glad to see Dobby has something else to lick than glasses and cans.
And I hear Dobby has a girlfriend? Well, he is cute.

Mo and The Purries meowed...

That is so cute, it brought a tear to my eye! I'm so glad that Dobby loves his big bro! And Merlin is so patient with him!
(by the way, Merlin -- looks like Dobby gives 'good ear'!)

Merlin's Mom: thanks for sharing this video with us!

Emma's Kat meowed...

Awwwww, that is just so sweet! Dobby becoming Merlin's brother was just meant to be!

Daisy meowed...

That is so nice of Dobby to help you get clean. Those spots behind the ears are hard to reach!

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon meowed...

awww dobbie you sunch a great little borther to help merin out like that. You make me so proud

You need a reward how about a game of mousie i got feather butt ones


Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels meowed...

Wow ... Now that's a brotherly match made in heaven. It's so good that Dobby is willing to keep you clean, Merlin!

Just Ducky meowed...

How sweet. I see that you bed is right by the heaty spot. Furry good Fang Shui.

mister jeter harris, hizself meowed...

i am luvin dat videeyo uv dobby cleenin u.
i wunder if i would ever let mi noo brudder matsui cleen me.
i think not!

newbie meezer meowed...

Awww that's lush :)

Anonymous meowed...

you took offur his bed, an he still licks you all offur? that's brotherly love rite there.

Anonymous meowed...

I hope that your tongue gets all better soon. It's great that Dobby will help you out while you recover. You fit in that bed really well now.

Memories of Eric and Flynn meowed...

Awwww dat Dobby is so kyoot. He's furry good helping yoo keep clean while yer tung gets better.Bet yer glad yoo got such a luvly littull brofurr. And we see yoo look more comfy in dat bed now.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe meowed...

Great video. :) That was so sweet. :) Wonderful that Dobby is helping you to groom. :)

I hope your tongue heals up quickly!

Lux meowed...

I love that look on your face in the picture! And the video is just too sweet - I'm so glad you both took to each other!

Anonymous meowed...

It's wonderful to have someone who helps you out when you need it!

Fat Eric meowed...

Awwwwww...you and Dobby are so cute together Merlin! My mum says it is usually the dominant kitty who gets washed by the others (they are sucking up to him) so you are the dominant kitty! Yay! What a good little brother Dobby is.

Anonymous meowed...

That's so sweet :)

Forty Paws meowed...

That is too cute!!! Dobby is such a great little helper!

Luf, Us

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon meowed...

Hi dobby I wrote you a poam gigle giggle giggle and i saved you some feather but mousies they purrfect for chaceing and pouncing on


Anonymous meowed...

iddn't dat tweet...good brudder....awwwwwwwwwwww

Ingrid meowed...

Even if it's dark it's such a cute video ! What a work, didn't your tongue hurt after that washing ?

Gattina(cat blog)

Icon Baxter Bentley meowed...

that is a very nice video! Your mammacat is much better at shooting video than my mammacat is!

Anonymous meowed...

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