
Hidey spot

I thought I'd show another of my favorite hidey spots. This is one of those places where, as my Mom says, I hide "in plain sight." If I am furry furry still, the beans won't notice I am there. It is a good spot because Mom and Dad are almost always in the room and I can watch them.

Check out other animals on the Friday Ark!

8 Meows:

Mo and The Purries meowed...

Hi my Merlin ~ this is a furry good hidey-hole! I'd like to snuggle in there with you ♥
Do the beans let you play Scene-It with them? I just like watching the action-movie sequences, myself! I love a good chase!
Meow for now ~ Daphne

momsbusy meowed...

that a furry good spot to keep an eye on the beans when they sneak into the kitchen for treats.

*yuki & kimiko*

INAMINI meowed...

What a wonderful spot! I hope you have a good food supply in there- staying still takes a lot of calories!

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone meowed...

That is a very good hidy-spot. And you even have the right camouflage colering. From that spot you can keep an eye on the beans and see when they might be going to the kitchen to give you some treat!

Lux meowed...

That's a perfect spot, Merlin! You're giving me ideas ...

Emma's Kat meowed...

Great spot! We have a cubby hole place like that in our entertainment cabinet. That is Benji's hiding spot in there! :)

Susie meowed...

That's a lovely hidey spot - you blend in ith the wood!

We learned about you from Little Cat Zee - come by and visit us sometime...we'll add you to our blog!

Kismet meowed...

Merlin - I saw you asking about the vest that Skeezix and I have. It's from Old Navy, my Person told me. And she said they also have it in denim. !!!