We're it!
We's been tagged! Mungo & Teazer tagged us to tell about our favorite things.
Time of Day: We like it in the evenin' time when the beans are home from work and there's cuddling. But we also like durin' the day, when we get lots of naps.
Day of the week: Either of those two days when Mommy and Daddy stay home.
Season of the year: Anytime the windows are open!
Holiday: Krissymass. Merlin likes to lie under the tree.
Beaches: What's a beach?
Song: Daddy sings us a song that we like! It's about kitties and tails and ears and stripes and paws. It's different every time he sings it, so we don't know the name of it.
Flower: We have tasted roses. They were yummy.
Talk show: We don't watch talk shows, so we dunno.
Movie: We like any movie that has a cat!
Soaps: We like the smell good stuff uses to wash her hands. Oh, that's not what you meant?
Beverage: Milk! We don't get it a lot of times, but when we do it's SOOOOO good.
Fruit: Who would have a favorite fruit? That's gross.
Snack: Pounce. Fish shaped ones.
Food: We eat Iams Weight Control Hairball Control.
Restaurant: We like any restaurant that send Mommy home with something for us to eat. It doesn't happen very much.
We tag: Bubbles, Mrs. B. & Madness, and Daphne & Chloe & Spooker & Jazper.