Merlin says that there can be no napping until we're BOTH clean.
But I was really really sleepy. So I had to help him out cause he was taking too long.

Gotta get this spot up by his ear...

There.... that oughta do it.
17 Meows:
awwww. you two is so cute!
So very sweet! Cocoa and I do that too.
I have to make sure Chase is clean before snuggling too. He's too big to get his own ears so I have to help out.
Oh Dobby, what a good little brother you are!
It's good to make sure you're both clean behind the ears before you sleep.
Man. I wish I had a kitten servant who could do my licking for me!
What a good brother you are!
It's so nice to see yur such good friends an brofurs too. Rascal wouldn't let me wash him, hee hee.
Yes, Dobby. It is very good to have a bathing partner to get those trouble spots like eyes and ears. I honestly don't know how only cats manage.
you two are just too cute together!
everytime I see pics of you all acting like long lost siblings, it just touches me and makes me so happy for your whole family!
Merlin: could you please give Spooker Crabbypants some tips on loving your new brudder?
Not The Mama
The two of you look *really good together!
Yes, it is very important to get all clean before napping. You are very helpful, Dobby.
You are so sweet to help out! You both look so sweet, have a great nap!
Wow! I haven't stopped by quite awhile, but it's so good to see you both getting along so well. Dobby you are growing up to be a very handsome mancat. I've gotta spend some time reading up on the posts I've missed!
PS I love all the photos scrolling on your sidebar!
Oh Dobby, that's nice of you to help Merwin!
Awww that's so sweet :)
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