Meowed by Merlin or Dobby
8:38 AM
No Meows Yet
Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow
Y'all, I don't know what's up with Dobby and his obsession with being Handsome. Cause you know that all Mom says about him is "oh how cute!" "Look how cute he is." "Could he BE any cuter?"
Seriously, it's really annoying. Just look at this. He's just laying there, he's not doing ANYTHING, and she was all, "oh, what a sweet baby. I have to take your picture!"
We never got to meet you in purrson, but we always thought you were a super-cool woofie. We know that KC and Missy thought so.
We will miss you. We will see you again someday, so have fun while you wait for us...
Merlin, Dobby, Mom, Max and Coco.
We got tagged by our friends Iris and Lily, and Pablo, for this fun meme!
Five Reasons I blog, by Dobby:
1. Cause I like to keep in touch with my first Mom, my sister, and the 2 Bs.
2. Cause Merlin does it and I wanna be just like him.
3. Cause I am furry sociable and I like to meet new kitties and beans.
4. Cause Mom thinks it's cute, and I do whatever I can to make Mom think I'm cute. ;)
5. Cause it's fun!
Five Reasons I blog, by Merlin:
1. Because I am stuck in this house with my little bro all day, and I need some escape.
2. Because I have to keep connected with my girlfriend, Daphne!
3. Because ever since I started this blog, I've met lots of new and wonderful kitty friends.
4. Because I'm online anyway, surfin' the net and stuff.
5. Because I am a Big Man Cat and that is what we do!
We tag anyone who hasn't played yet!